
Platform Leadership

Nicholas Bock, PhD
Nathan Churchill, PhD

Active Sites

The Neuroimaging Platform operates at the following research sites:

  • Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (Toronto, Ontario)
  • Queen’s University (Kingston, Ontario)
  • Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest (Toronto, Ontario)
  • St. Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton (Hamilton, Ontario)
  • St. Michael’s Hospital (Toronto, Ontario)
  • Sunnybrook Research Institute (Toronto, Ontario)
  • University of British Columbia (Vancouver, British Columbia)
  • University of Calgary (Calgary, Alberta)
  • University Health Network (Toronto, Ontario)

Platform Overview

The Neuroimaging Platform is responsible for the standardization of neuroimaging protocols across study sites and the quality assurance, quality control and preliminary analysis of brain imaging data collected. This platform evaluates brain structure and function. CAN-BIND studies are scanning hundreds of participants on comparable protocols, and within 2-3 years, we will have the ability to compare almost a thousand participants, most scanned at multiple time points. Acquisition sequences collected include task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), resting state fMRI, 3DT1 structural MRI for brain volume data, and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for white matter fiber structure.

This platform aims to provide a foundation for computational methods that integrate multiple neuroimaging modalities with clinical and biological variables to optimize classification and prediction in depression. The platform also aims to establish clinical effectiveness, and eventually support a process to bring neuroimaging tools to clinical psychiatry.

More information about imaging

Learn about magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) here.
Learn about functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) here